Clarusoma - Embodied Leadership Coaching


Real change needs clarity and a new way of “being”, but fear, our programming, cultural expectations, competing demands, and “shoulds” so often get in the way.

The result? We become much less effective because we:

  • Blame our inability to change on our ‘personality’

  • Lose touch with our emotions and the emotions of others

  • Disconnect from our physical body

  • Lack awareness of our subconscious drivers and blockers

  • Disregard our energy flow and how this impacts us and others

  • Focus only on tasks and lose perspective

  • Shy away from the complexity of the human condition.

This can be overcome through embracing embodied leadership

Embodied leadership emphasizes the integration of one's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects to effectively lead and influence others.

At its core, embodied leadership is about authenticity and integrity, a state in which our presence, actions, and communication aligns with our inner values, beliefs, and intentions. Leaders who embody this approach are deeply self-aware, recognizing their strengths, weaknesses, and emotional patterns. They strive to be congruent in their behaviour, communicating in a way that reflects their genuine feelings and thoughts.

Embodied leadership also involves cultivating resilience, self-regulation, and empathy. Leaders who embody these qualities are better equipped to handle stress, remain composed in challenging situations, and hold space for the diverse perspectives and emotions of those they lead. They prioritize meaningful connections, fostering a culture of trust, respect, and open communication within their teams, organizations, and communities.

Furthermore, an embodied leader is continuously evolving and learning. They engage in self-reflection, seeking personal and professional growth while encouraging the same in their team members. By demonstrating a commitment to ongoing self-improvement, they inspire and motivate others to do the same.

Embodied leadership is not just about the words a leader speaks or the directives they give—it's about how they show up, engage, and live their values. It's a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit to create a more authentic, empathetic, and influential form of leadership.

It is a way to bring to the forefront our soul intelligence, intuition, trusting our gut, being aware of our body, and expanding our ability to hold paradoxical experiences and thoughts.

This is what brings real clarity and resilience. This is the intention and purpose of the Clarusoma Method.

Why the name Clarusoma?

The name “Clarusoma” is made up of two parts: “Clarus” means clear and coherent in Latin. “Soma” refers to the body in ancient Greek.

In short, it is a method of somatic coaching - a coaching approach that is rooted in the understanding that the body holds profound wisdom and intelligence. In fact, research has shown that our physical body is more attuned to making sound decisions than our brains, because the nature of our brain is to protect and survive.

It is an approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of our physical sensations, emotions, and thought patterns. By tapping into the body's innate wisdom, somatic work offers a pathway towards healing, transformation, and embodied empowerment..

How is Somatic Coaching Relevant in the Corporate World?

Somatic coaching is relatively unknown in the corporate world, because at work we primarily focus on using and developing our logic and mind. In recent years, more attention is being paid to “whole person” development, even in the corporate environment, and more resources are being invested in helping leaders become stronger through building an enhanced awareness and integration of mind, body, and energy (spirit).

The Clarusoma Coaching Method was born after years of coaching senior executives, and realizing that working with just the logical mind and becoming better at “doing” wasn’t enough to create real change for individuals or organizations. The Method combines evidence-based coaching methodologies with somatic practices, mindfulness, visualisation techniques and more to integrate the multiple aspects that make you “you”.

How Somatic Coaching Enhances Leadership Effectiveness

Somatic coaching serves as a powerful tool for deepening self-awareness, accessing inner resources, and catalyzing meaningful change:

1. Embodied Awareness: Somatic practices help clients cultivate a deeper awareness of their bodily sensations, emotions, and patterns of tension or relaxation. By tuning into the body's signals, clients gain valuable insights into their inner experiences and learn to navigate their lives with greater clarity and presence.

2. Release of Tension and Trauma: The body often holds onto unresolved tension, which can manifest as physical discomfort, emotional distress, or cognitive limitations (basically your logical mind shuts down under stress). Through somatic techniques such as breathwork, movement, and mindfulness, clients can release stored tension, creating space for healing and growth.

3. Integration of Mind and Body: Somatic work facilitates the integration of mind and body, fostering greater coherence and alignment between thoughts, feelings, and actions. By connecting with their embodied experience, clients can access deeper layers of wisdom and intuition, leading to more authentic and empowered decision-making.

4. Resilience and Regulation: Somatic practices promote resilience and self-regulation, empowering clients to navigate stress, uncertainty, and adversity with greater ease and resilience. By cultivating practices that support nervous system regulation and embodied presence, clients can develop the capacity to respond skillfully to life's challenges.

5. Transformational Growth: Ultimately, somatic work serves as a catalyst for transformational growth, empowering clients to embody their fullest potential and live authentically aligned lives. By embracing the wisdom of the body, clients can tap into a profound source of resilience, creativity, and vitality, allowing them to thrive in all areas of their lives.

Step into embodied coaching…

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation through somatic work? Contact me today to learn more about how somatic work can enhance your coaching experience and support you on your journey toward personal and professional fulfillment. Your path to embodied empowerment awaits.

What does this bring you and the organisations that you lead?

  • Clarity of purpose

  • More wholeness and aliveness

  • The ability to bridge the logical with the emotional, the intellect with intuition

  • Connection with the physical with energetic self

  • Ultimately, greater effectiveness and results.

Start the conversation to see how we can work together by booking a complimentary, no-obligation, 30-minute chemistry session with me today - Click the button below!